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They spend all their time crafting services, products and stories that don't drop off,It's not that they're stupid, it's that you didn't explain it very well When a million people are taking your course, you only need 1% to pay you to be happy indeed,On the birthday of your company or brand, what would you like your customers to do?
Hinzugefügt am 17.08.2012 - 09:59:58 von fbert66 - 40 Benutzer
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And this or that is a much easier sale to make,All the machines were set up along the shaft, with a belt giving each of them power I spend a lot of time in colleges and other teaching institutions,If we're good at different things, we're also bad at different things, right?
Hinzugefügt am 14.08.2012 - 11:52:36 von imtyler70 - 31 Benutzer
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Since you're out of options, their high-priced service is your best shot,For me, the holiday celebrates people who contribute with no expectation of anything in return Headlines may not look like they belong in a newspaper, but they always work that way,they don't come to the front of the bar because they're not at the bar, they're somewhere else4
Hinzugefügt am 16.08.2012 - 23:25:04 von msulzer48 - 29 Benutzer
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If it's an old problem, it certainly does,Great brands are built on dissatisfaction For less than your cable TV bill, you can buy and read an important book every week,Many people struggle at work because they want more authority
Hinzugefügt am 01.08.2012 - 11:22:28 von mawes88 - 27 Benutzer
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Bill, the bitter former-poet English teacher gets the power to tell us if we're good at writing,It doesn't have to be flashy, it doesn't even have to be the very best there ever was, but sprezzatura is enough to get us to return We like to avoid these situations, because these situations make us uncomfortable,If you build it and it's great, I'll use it and I'll blog it
Hinzugefügt am 24.08.2012 - 08:00:08 von tsammy61 - 25 Benutzer
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Or at least act like you could if you wanted to,Or perhaps we're concerned about losing our uniqueness Just because it gets you newsstand sales doesn't mean it's a headline you want to live with,If you are promised big returns with no risk and little effort, you know the person is lying to you
Hinzugefügt am 15.08.2012 - 19:14:50 von bufreddy7 - 23 Benutzer
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Go find someone you care about, hand them the book and insist they read it,So we switched our system completely and did it in a totally different way I got an email from someone who had hired a consulting firm to help his company find their true brand selves,One way to think about running a successful business is to figure out what the least you can do is, and do that
Hinzugefügt am 14.08.2012 - 12:05:36 von thriberdy33 - 16 Benutzer
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They spend all their time crafting services, products and stories that don't drop off,It's not that they're stupid, it's that you didn't explain it very well When a million people are taking your course, you only need 1% to pay you to be happy indeed,On the birthday of your company or brand, what would you like your customers to do?
Hinzugefügt am 02.10.2012 - 13:52:23 von taamos32 - 14 Benutzer
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Instead, the mission appears to be twofold:,This is the cyclical recession, we have them all the time, they come and they go Had he read any medical articles on the topic? No,But, once again, the lesson of the long tail is this: you can't count on the gatekeeper to do your promotion for you
Hinzugefügt am 04.08.2012 - 08:38:35 von roteet94 - 12 Benutzer
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If you're hiding from the market, it's difficult to do great work,Not enough dimensions for me to be fascinated by, and few people pay money to attend bowling matches And then, of course, a vacuum, because the important but less glamorous work didn't get done,One CEO worked as hard as she could to restrain herself, but failed and almost threw me out of her office by the end
Hinzugefügt am 27.10.2012 - 10:41:27 von duodis41 - 11 Benutzer
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The number one reason people give me for giving up on something great is, someone else is already doing that,You can listen to your customers murmur about you online, except that pleased customers tell a few people, angry ones tell everyone The sad thing is that we often conflate the two,About twenty five years ago, Howard Gardner taught us his theory of multiple intelligences
Hinzugefügt am 23.10.2012 - 09:11:10 von obahnsen85 - 10 Benutzer
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The time between surrendering the money and getting the sandwich is tiny,Instead, they treated college like an extension of high school Without fortune cookies, are there fortunes?,They are approaching the problem with optimism and calm, but they need to be taught
Hinzugefügt am 21.08.2012 - 14:07:55 von roarden6 - 9 Benutzer
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